High Quality Palouse Farmland For Sale

Asking Price: $1,075,000

411.91 total acres in Whitman County Suitable for 3 year crop rotation of winter wheat, spring wheat, garbanzo beans, and fallow


Ariel Map

Parcel A


Crops and Yields
Winter Wheat: 87 bu/acre
Spring Wheat: 67 bu/acre
Garbanzo beans: 1,400 lbs/acre
Fallow: approx. 85 acres annually

Whitman County

411.91 Total Acres

Average Rainfall
20" Of rainfall annually

2,300+ Feet In Elevation

The farm is located about 2 miles west of Steptoe, in the Palouse region. This farm is highly productive with stable rainfall for dryland crops with a history of proven yields. This farm is a great investment in one of the highest producing dryland regions of the world!